About The World Needs More Love Letters
The World Needs More Love Letters is a global organization using the power of social media to handwrite + mail love letters to people in need around the world. Based in Atlanta (but found all over the world), we’re leaving the world better than we found it- one love letter at a time.
Over the last 12 years, we've watched what was once a small organization grow into a movement that touches six continents, all 50 states, and over 70 countries. Best of all, we’ve delivered hundreds of Love Letter Bundles to people when they least expect it.

Encouraging Others is Kind Of Our Jam.
If you’ve been looking for a place to empower others through your words, you’ve arrived at your destination.
Welcome to More Love Letters. We’re a community of letter writers who put pen to paper to show up for people in need worldwide. Every month, we list stories of individuals nominated by a loved one to receive letters from our community. These individuals often face tough stuff and have no idea they’re about to receive a Love Letter Bundle from us.
A Love Letter Bundle is exactly what it sounds like– a massive bundle of hundreds of encouraging, handwritten letters from our community – all secretly collected. It’s a surprise of a lifetime, and we want your letters in the mix from now on.
We exist to remind people they matter in a world that often makes them feel unseen.
We love snail mail, and yes, we love a good trip to the mailbox, but our mission is so much bigger than stamps and stationery.
We exist to remind people they matter in a world that often makes them feel unseen.
We believe that presence is the most important thing we can offer to one another— whether that’s physical presence in a world full of screens or the presence it takes to sit down and write someone a handwritten letter.
The world doesn’t need another app or social media platform. What it needs is more simple and more basic, yet harder to cultivate. It needs more love. More hope. More intentional kindness. And maybe it seems like a lofty goal to try and be the change we wish to see in the world, but we think words are powerful, and we believe in using our words every single day to remind people they matter. If that mission matters to you too, then you'll fit right in with this gang of global letter writers.
Be sure to sign up for our email list, so you never miss a chance to spread hope with us. We can’t wait to see the good you do in this big, wide world.

A Letter From Our Founder
Trust me when I tell you I never dreamed of starting a global love letter-writing movement.
Letters have always been a big part of my story. For as long as I can remember, my mom has been writing and leaving letters for me to find. She tucked them throughout the house growing up, slipped them into bags and suitcases, and mailed them to me throughout college and beyond. I can't imagine a world without my mother's love letters in it.
When I moved to New York City after college, I found myself grappling with loneliness that would eventually morph into a diagnosis of depression. At the time, we weren't having open conversations about mental health. To cope with the sadness, I started writing the same letters my mother wrote for me and leaving them across New York City for strangers to find.
Within a city where so many people can feel overlooked or unseen, I liked to imagine what it would be like to discover a love letter planted in an unexpected place. On the front of the letters, I would scribble, "If you find this letter, it's for you."
A few weeks later, I wrote a blog post and posed a simple question to whoever was reading: Do you need a love letter? Just ask.
I could have never anticipated how that question would change my life. Overnight, my inbox filled with dozens of stories from all over the world. I quickly realized that I was far from the only one asking myself, "Do I even matter?"
Over the next ten months, I handwrote and mailed over 400 love letters to strangers worldwide—those first 400 letters laid the foundation for The World Needs More Love Letters. I felt called to create a website that would allow others to do precisely what I did during those months in New York City-- writing, leaving, and mailing letters to strangers.
Over the last 12 years, we've watched what was once a small organization grow into a movement that touches six continents, all 50 states, and over 70 countries. Best of all, we’ve delivered hundreds of Love Letter Bundles to people when they least expect it. With each letter written, I am reminded that the little things add up and make the most significant impact.
So if you're new here, welcome! We're so thankful to have you. Yes, we love snail mail. Yes, we love stamps and stationery. But to us, this organization has always been about showing up for one another and reminding each other through the power of words: you matter, and it matters that you're here. If that mission matters to you, too, then you'll fit right in with this gang of global letter writers.
Be sure to sign up for our email list so you never miss a chance to spread hope with us. We can’t wait to see the good you do in this big, wide world.
tying you closer than most,
Hannah B.
Meet the Team
Hannah Brencher
Author and communicator with a passion for mental health, Hannah is the founder of More Love Letters— an organization that was born out of her love for encouraging others. When she’s not writing and creating, you can find Hannah unplugging, going for walks, reading a good book, or visiting a local coffee shop. Hannah lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband Lane, daughter Novalee, and rescue pup Tuesday.
Laura Backe
Laura’s love of writing letters started at age 8 after moving 600+ miles with her family then forming years long relationships with penpals and her love of writing letters continues today while celebrating 10 years as a part of the MLL team this year. Her love languages include to do lists, post it notes and sharpie pens. For MLL she spends her time knee deep in spreadsheets, emails and stories of how letters have impacted lives and as a nanny she finds herself embracing baby snuggles, sunshine and the sweet little moments of each day.
Rachel Puckett
Rachel is all about constantly learning, passionately leading, and creating with love at the forefront. This Texan can often be found reading, watching movies, or hanging out with friends at aesthetic coffee shops. She loves a full inbox almost as much as she loves Disney. Give her a good floral power outfit and some office supplies and she will be ready to conquer the world.
Nicole Shephard
Nicole has an irrational love of ampersands, literature and exploring. Her love of snail mail goes back to childhood – her fondness of penpals, Lisa Frank stationery and glitter pens knew no bounds. She joined the MLL in 2013 after falling in love with the mission to love letter the world. She has a passion for visual communication, leadership and catching visions and feels so blessed to bring her skillset to this team.
Hali Fowler
Hali has loved writing messages as long as she can remember, whether it be a love note on the fridge or a letter halfway around the world. She was enchanted by the discovery of More Love Letters during 2020, and was delighted to get the opportunity to join the team this year! Hali loves plants and animals of all shapes and sizes and you can usually find her doing anything and everything outside with an audiobook playing and a cup of coffee in her hand - if she can only remember where she set it down.