Love letters keep pouring in for Marina!
We cannot thank you enough for scripting your hearts out for Marina last month! As a result, she's having a hard time counting all the letters. See for yourself!
"The letters for Marina are pouring in day by day, and I go skipping to my mailbox to collect and read them. They are coming from all over- mainly from various parts of the USA, but some from the UK, Germany, and today, one from JAPAN! I weep when I read them because it is just so dear and precious that so many take time to do this for others. This is a very beautiful thing to be part of, and as much as it will bless Marina, I can honestly say that I am the blessed one. It is a profound and exquisitely beautiful thing to be witness to so much love and tenderness from so many.
You all are doing a wonderful thing for others who really need it. Life is beautiful and visceral, and the letters are reminders that we might feel lonely or isolated, but we are never alone. We can always reach out and find a hand waiting to grab our own...
With deep thanks and gratitude
"The mail only quit coming the last couple of days! I am still opening the last of the letters and plan to deliver them next week or the week after, depending on Marina's schedule. I do not have a count presently, but there are so many! Each time I sit to open mail for my dear heart, Marina, I just weep to see such love and beauty in the hearts of so many. I know this is supposed to be for my friend, but truly, the blessing of it is mine!"
“Letters are reminders that we might feel lonely or isolated, but we are never alone. We can always reach out and find a hand waiting to grab our own...”