Your Work is Worship.
Christine is twenty-something coffee-and-vibes enthusiast who comes alive sitting across women, hearing their stories and journeying with them towards health and self-discovery. She firmly believes in the beauty of process, community and finding true belonging. When she’s not writing, engaging creativity or coaching women, you’ll probably find Christine geeking out over her plants or snuggled in a corner reading or listening to personal development podcasts. Connect with Christine over on her Instagram or website!
Hey friend. Do you have this deep-resounding, constant desire to find purpose in every moment and use everything you’ve got - with every breath you breathe…? Me too.
I spent a lot of time in my early 20s looking for purpose - until I realized it was all around me, just not in the way I expected. Let me ask you this:
Did you know that your God-given calling is to co-create every single day?
I don’t know how seeped you are in your “theology of work” or if you find purpose through your work, but here’s a brief Biblical introduction to why work is actually worship.
We think “worship” is hands up, dancing and singing for 30-40 minutes on a Sunday. Gosh, it’s so much more than that…
Here’s the deal: you’re made in God’s image. He’s a Creator through and through. He's an architect, a designer, a builder, an artist, an engineer, a gardener, a scientist, a mathematician… The list could go on.
He creates beauty out of chaos - and gives us the very same mission. This is significant because it’s before sin enters the world (check out Genesis 1:28).
When God is working, He’s creating. And we get to do that too.
It’s a radical thought, hey? In a culture that seeks to escape work with all they’ve got (and truthfully, that used to be my goal too), God says work is good - it's holy.
You know what this means, right? Purpose and sacred moments are not just found in the 15- minute devotional you scramble to get in before running out the door - it's also in the space and time you spend most of your waking, and unseen, hours in.
It’s in your work. It’s studying for that exam. It’s the conversation with a co-worker. It’s cleaning up the dishes after a great meal. It’s buttoning up your kids’ jackets before they go to school.
You are constantly co-creating at every turn, in every moment.
So, this begs the follow-up question: what is your perspective and attitude towards work? Is it defined by the world or God?
As a creative and coach, I love keeping things practical:
Work is how we show the world who He is. It's how we partner with God in a felt way to create beauty from chaos. To bring light from the dark. It's how we get to love who He loves.
This is starting to sound a lot like the Great Commission isn't it (Matthew 28:19)? “Go and make disciples…” We “go” by showing up to our current moment, right where we’re at.
I've coached so many creatives and entrepreneurs who grew up in Christian circles and believed, like me, that “calling” and purpose were things we had to wait for.
I see two blaring problems with this theology (read: belief):
1. We live hesitantly and on pause. We wait for a voice from heaven and play charades with God - looking for "signs" before making any moves.
2. We compartmentalize our lives. We label certain parts "holy" and others "secular", "stressful" or "not as important to God”.
Truthfully, neither is Biblical. You miss out on mission in the mundane moments. Colossians 3:17 says that in whatever we do, we do it for God and His glory.
This means that your life has a significant purpose in every single moment. In your rest, in your play, in your work - and in your creative business too.
So. Whether it's cleaning up spreadsheets, managing a team, typing up a proposal, coaching a client, writing content or strategizing on an idea - your work is holy, good, and it matters to the Kingdom.
You are a co-creator. That makes you a creative - it's in your DNA.
This is your permission slip. Your sign to stop waiting for signs:
You have always been designed to be Mission-minded in all you do.
For the good of others and His glory. Are you ready to make a move? Let’s go.
PS: If you want to be more Mission-minded in your work, creative endeavors, and business, check out my 14-day coaching series via email (it's totally free). Let’s create something beautiful together.