Read Me if You Know You're Called, but You're Scared to Start

Hey friend. I need start this post off by saying: you’re not alone.
I’ve coached and been in the trenches with 100s of creatives who deal with fear of failure, rejection, being misunderstood, feeling like an imposter… name the reason, I’ve heard it.
Before we go any further, though, you need to know this isn’t your forever-home. There are two small steps you can take (and that I continue taking every day).
We’re going to lay the foundation first:
This lightbulb went off for me in 2018 after re-reading 1 Corinthians 12. I want this freedom and realization for you too.This specific passage in the Bible is about gifts, talents and the Body of Christ (all of us, like a mosaic that makes up one picture).
It was here that I realized I was designed with permission to be me and that you need to be YOU. I encourage you to open a new tab and read the whole chapter, but here's the kicker (v.17-19):
“Think of it this way. If the whole body were just an eyeball, how could it hear sounds? And if the whole body were just an ear, how could it smell different fragrances? But God has carefully designed each member and placed it in the body to function as he desires. A diversity is required, for if the body consisted of one single part, there wouldn’t be a body at all!”
My mind raced (as a full on enneagram-four-introverted-empathic-and-unique self):
“I'm needed. I'm necessary in the Kingdom. If I try to show up as someone else, the Body doesn't function properly. It can't. Everyone misses out. God actually LOVES it when I use the gifts I LOVE engaging in…"
I know what you're thinking: “OK…but how do I show up as me?" Great question.
Let's go to Matthew 25 and the parable of the talents. A master entrusts his three servants with pieces of his property. He gives them different “talents” (coins). Each get different amounts, and the master later comes back to see the return on his investment (their usage and growth).
Two of the servants doubled their talents, but the third one hid the coin and didn't do anything with it. He was afraid.
Note the master's response on that fear (v.26-29):
“…You’re an untrustworthy and lazy servant! If you knew I was a shrewd and ruthless business man who always makes a profit, why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? Then I would have received it all back with interest when I returned. But because you were unfaithful, I will take the one thousand gold coins and give them to the one who has ten thousand. For the one who has will be given more, until he overflows with abundance. And the one with hardly anything, even what little he has will be taken from him..’”
I don't want you to miss this: God is the giver. It’s not about how much you do, make or even accomplish - it’s about how you were created to make moves and use your talents.
So…You feel called to something - and you probably know what it is, but you’re scared to start?
Before you go any further, remember that 1) you are here to build God’s Kingdom with all you’ve got, and 2) it typically looks like using your gifts - because they are made to be given, not hoarded.
You’re needed. We actually need you to show up.
Here’s the even better news: this whole thing is not about us!
• It's not about our success, our fame and our achievement.
• It's not about controlling the narrative, the plan or the progress.
• It's not even about getting “better” or becoming our ideal selves.
There's freedom waiting for you in this holy surrender. Because it's from this place, here, that your are called to make moves, knowing:
• It's about God using your imperfect story to tell His - it's His glory.
• It's about using what you’ve got for the Kingdom - for eternal impact.
• It's about others, so they can flourish and experience Him for themselves.
Friend, I wish I could look you in the eyes and tell you: Hiding is NOT humility. Yeah, it’s thinking of yourself less, but it’s not thinking less of yourself.
You're made in His image - and you need to be uniquely YOU.
Ready to take those two steps I promised you? To get started, answer these two questions:
1. What are your gifts, skills and talents? Know them, and don’t be ashamed of knowing your strengths. Ask people who know you well.
2. Where and how can you use them - now? You don’t need to wait. Who are you already around, where do you already go? Who can you serve here and now?
As you work through these questions, I hope you realize that mission truly is in the mundane… It’s already here. If you’re feeling bold, tell me your answers in a DM on Instagram.
Obedience looks like using your gifts. It’s time to start.